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AmeriCorps Reading Specialist

Austin Achieve Public Schools
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AmeriCorps Reading Specialists will go through extensive training with both the AmeriCorps and Special Program Coordinator and Elementary and Middle School Reading Intervention team before they are placed with scholars.

Service Activities

AmeriCorps Reading Specialists will test and teach scholars using the literacy methods prescribed by the Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) Program. Testing is done quarterly on a one-on-one basis between the Reading Specialist and scholar.

AmeriCorps Reading Specialists’ daily schedule will consist of working with small groups of 2 to 3 students in reading sessions of about 30 minutes each. During this time students will be taught reading strategies using the Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) Program in addition to other reading strategies determined by the Program Coordinator and Reading Intervention team.

AmeriCorps Reading Specialists will be expected to participate in other literacy activities with scholars during their group time including but not limited to checking out books from the school library, read-alouds, spelling and sight word practice, letter name practice and letter sound practice.

AmeriCorps Reading Specialists will be considered members of the AAPS campus on which they are embedded and will attend weekly and monthly meetings with AAPS staff in addition to regular meetings with the Program Coordinator and AmeriCorps cohort.

At the end of each quarter, AmeriCorps members will meet with the Program Coordinator and their respective school principal and/or leadership team to review scholar progress to on-grade level reading goals and identify any gaps in programming implementation and efficacy.

Community Need Addressed

Reading Specialists will be trained to implement a unique reading intervention curriculum to serve students who are reading below grade level. AmeriCorps Reading Specialists will play an essential role in the success of Austin Achieve and our accelerated learning efforts via reading interventions for scholars who are behind academically due to the pandemic or other circumstances.

Position Outcomes

At the end of the program year, AmeriCorps members will be responsible for improved reading skills among AAPS students as evidenced by performance in the classroom, improved reading level and standardized tests scores.


Childcare assistance if eligible, Education award upon successful completion of service, Health coverage, Living allowance, Student loan forbearance

Second year corps members are able to join a teacher certification program to obtain a teacher certification.

Education Benefits

College Degree

Competencies You Will Develop

Demonstrate sensitivity and empathy, Listen to and consider others' viewpoints, Maintain open lines of communication with others, Speak clearly, in precise language and in a logical, organized and coherent manner, Turn taking, Write cleary and effectively
Creativity & Problem Solving
Able to identify and define the problem, Capable of generating possible solutions
Develop constructive working relationships and maintain them over time, Establish a high degree of trust and credibility with others, Interact professionally and respectfully with supervisors and co-workers, Stay positive and outcome oriented
Accepts responsibility, Anticipate the consequences of decisions, Identify and prioritize the key issues involved to facilitate the decision making process, Involve people appropriately in decisions that may impact them, Quickly respond with a back-up plan if a decision goes amiss
Able to prioritize various competing tasks, Create environment of contribution, Create plan of action, schedule tasks so that work is completed on time, Demonstrate the effective allocation of time and resources efficiently, Facilitate group planning, Set goals
Be pleasant, courteous, professional and respectful when dealing with internal and external customers or clients, Honor the privilege of being able to work with and for those being served, Recognize the importance of maintaining privacy and confidentiality of those being served, Understand and anticipate the needs of others, Understand the significance of maintaining a healthful and safe environment
  • Activity Types Hands On Activities
  • Focus Areas Education & Youth
  • Length of Service 11 Months
  • Education Requirements Associates Degree (AA)
  • Placement Team Placement
  • Service Setting Charter School, Elementary School, Middle School, School District
  • Weekly Training Hours 2

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