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Something I’ve learned from my service year is…

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I started off my service year by moving cross-country in order to learn more about the world outside of the northeast. Service year and Airbnb helped me on my journey by providing me with a voucher that allowed me to stay somewhere whilst securing housing. Through this experience I was able to learn more about my new city from a local and I was also given the chance to do a little exploring before the 50-hour service weeks started up.
Since my service year has started my main priority has been to build trust and relationships. As a City Year member I need to develop relationships with my students, my partner teacher and my team. These relationships are crucial to my success as a corps member, and are growing stronger as I learn more about them and we continue to learn about Seattle together. I’m grateful that I was able to start off my year by staying with a lovely host and by setting the stage for the year to come by building trust with a stranger in my new city.