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Volunteer Tennessee

William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower, 312 Rosa L Parks Ave, 18th Floor, Nashville, TN 37243

Our state first earned its nickname due to the thousands of Tennesseans who volunteered to join the U.S. military between the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. A culture of service remains strong in the Volunteer State today. From Morristown to Memphis, over 1,000 AmeriCorps State members serve across East, Middle, and West Tennessee each year, making the state home to diverse service years in both urban and rural areas. From opportunities to serve as a teacher in high need schools, promote environmental sustainability in local communities, repair homes for veterans and military family members, and more, we encourage you to learn more about Tennessee’s AmeriCorps programs

Who Are We?

Founded in 1994, the mission of Volunteer Tennessee is to encourage volunteerism and community service. The commission administers 18 AmeriCorps programs and a Volunteer Generation Fund grant that address the State's needs in the areas of education, healthy futures, veterans and military families, and environmental stewardship. In addition, Volunteer Tennessee hosts an annual statewide conference on volunteerism and service-learning; hosts the Governor's Volunteer Stars Awards to recognize youth and adult volunteers from across Tennessee; provides service-learning training in cooperation with professionals across the State; and serves as the State's emergency services coordinator for volunteers and donations during times of disaster.

Why Tennessee?

Home to unique local programs operating only in our state, in addition to multi-state programs, Tennessee offers a variety of service opportunities that enable AmeriCorps members to serve communities while developing both personally and professionally. During a service year in the Volunteer State, you could find yourself assisting low-income earners with preparing their tax returns, educating families about how to break the cycle of child abuse, assisting communities recovering from disasters, supporting adults with psychiatric disabilities with building life skills, and more. Visit our partner organizations on the Service Year Exchange and check out our website at www.volunteertennessee.net to learn more about our AmeriCorps State programs

Are you ready to serve with Volunteer Tennessee?