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Founded in 1985, The Corps Network is the national association of service and conservation Corps. Corps are locally-based organizations that engage young adults and recent veterans in work-based service projects that address conservation and community needs. Through their service, Corps participants – or “Corpsmembers” – gain hands-on job experience, earn certifications, and develop valuable skills in leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork. Corpsmembers are compensated with a stipend or living allowance and often receive an education award or scholarship upon completing their term of service. Working on public lands and in both rural and urban communities, the 130+ Corps of The Corps Network annually engage over 25,000 young adults in service that could include: restoring habitats; building and improving multi-use trails; creating and maintaining urban green spaces; weatherizing low-income homes; remediating invasive species; preventing and fighting wildfires; restoring communities following disasters; preserving historic structures; restoring coastlines and waterways, etc. Corps improve the environment and our neighborhoods while training the next generation of conservation and community leaders. 

Join a Corps

The young adults and veterans who serve in Corps make a real difference in our communities and on America’s public lands. Every year, Corps collectively plant more than 1 million trees, restore over 1 million acres of habitat, build thousands of miles of trail, weatherize tens-of-thousands of homes, and respond to hundreds of disasters. Through their service, Corpsmembers gain the skills, certifications and experience to compete for jobs in resource management, energy efficiency, ecological restoration, and other growing fields. If you are looking for a career in conservation or public works, a Corps is a good place to start. 

Is this right for me?

Corps are for everyone. All sorts of young people - with different abilities, life circumstances, and from different ethnic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds - serve in Corps. It is difficult to describe “the typical Corpsmember,” because there really is no such thing. The opportunity to gain job skills and earn money while giving back to our country brings people together. The diversity of America is reflected in Corps. 

Ready to join a corps?