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Organization Resources

Organization Resources

Organization Resources


The Service Year Webinar Series takes a deep-dive into topics and opportunities so your organization can get more involved in expanding and growing service year opportunities.

Digital Recruitment Toolkit

Here are a few resources that we hope will help service year organizations fill opportunities on ServiceYear.org. We hope these tips, tricks and email templates will be useful in spreading the word about a service year.


Find answers to Service Year frequently asked questions.

How to Create a Service Year Program

This handbook provides a guideline for starting a service year program in your community or at your organization. An effective service year has the potential for substantial impact on three fronts - the host organization’s capacity for achieving its mission, the community in which service is performed, and the individual who completes the service.

Certification Criteria

ServiceYear.org only includes positions that are deemed to have the characteristics of a service year position, based on the certification criteria. If your organization is not currently part of AmeriCorps, or if you want to create a new program not recognized by AmeriCorps, your positions will need to be certified. Take a look at the criteria to determine if your program is eligible.

Host Organization Membership Overview

Overview of the pricing associated with Service Year Alliance host organization membership. Free for all host organizations through 2017!

About Service Year Video

The Service Year exchange is an online marketplace that brings service organizations, young people, and funders together in one place for the first time. This is a space where people and programs – both new and existing (such as AmeriCorps) - can search, interact, communicate, and partner.