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Corps Member

Jacqueline B.

Jacqueline is Actively Searching

Jacqueline is looking for new service year opportunities beginning in August 2019

Service Preferences

  • Availability

    Aug 20, 2019 - Dec 20, 2020

  • Focus Areas of Interest


    Arts & Culture

    Community & Nonprofit Development


    Education & Youth

    Homelessness & Housing

    Legal Assistance

    Public Safety

  • Location Type

    Indoor, Outdoor

  • Benefits

    Education award upon successful completion of service

    Health coverage


    Living allowance


View All Preferences

Jacqueline’s Journey

  • Jacqueline joined Service Year!


Why Jacqueline Wants To Serve

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"- Winston Churchill as a social work student I have valued this quote greatly. From the time I was seven years old I always dreamed of helping others. The thought of being an educator and teaching others always seemed exciting but most importantly rewarding.
Life is an ever-changing path and sometimes our journey does not go as we planned. My life has been blessed with people whom I could at times rely on and seek advice. I am an older student for a variety of reasons and I understand how quickly a person can derail from their path. I truly would be honored to become a service year volunteer and give a helping hand to others who have hit a major or minor bump in the road. To a certain extent I can say I have been in a place where a helping hand was needed a long with hard work. A social worker can become the objective counsel needed to look at a situation in a totally different way. A social worker, interestingly can become the person with no hidden agenda accept helping the client find happiness and a comfortable resolution to their problem.
I enjoyed elementary school just like most children. As time went by I began to experience significant academic struggles. There were many interventions and strategies used to help but not near enough to overcome any of these learning issues. I was fortunate enough to have education staff support my future success, and me by encouraging the school district to send me to Ben Bronz Academy. Ben Bronz is a school for students with language based learning disabilities in West Hartford, Ct. Through this experience of struggling and at times not fitting with peers in terms of academics I realized that I would not be part of the popular group! Luckily certain educators and personnel taught me that persistence and mental and emotional strength could help one to overcome many struggles, along with professional intervention as well. I was quite pleased when my high school years were about to begin that I was able to leave Ben Bronz Academy due to academic achievement and attend East Catholic High School in Manchester, Ct.
When I first began high school I was happy to be in a new place with new people. This sentiment continued, but I did not realize that I was entering the world of adolescence with all the insecurities and emotional, physical, and mental development, which is not easy, and definitely tests ones persona. Throughout my last two years in high school I encountered two personnel losses. My grandfather who displayed daily what a true man was. He constantly encouraged me to work hard and do my best. The other significant event during my adolescent years in high school was the divorce of my parents. This was earth shattering in terms of my identity. But, while an even such as life changing, one must continue to move forward.
As I became older and attended college I quickly learned how things can happen to you, especially when poor choices are made. I choose to associate with individuals who did not have a good influence on who I was as an individual. The persons I surrounded myself around did not have the same goals and direction as I did. During this time I made many decisions that were not positive, such as flunking out of school and developing a strained relationship with my family and close friends. Through these learning curves I came to realize who I truly am. I had always believed I was interested in the profession of an educator. I had changed my decision and strongly felt that my true calling was being a social worker.
I have learned that sometimes life gets in our way. We need a helping hand from someone outside our circle to help us observe things from a different perspective. I value the importance and support this type of professional has to offer. This professional and vocation is called social work. I feel that as a social worker I would be a helping hand to many individuals within many communities. I was fortunate to have many support systems guide me through the difficult years of adolescents and young adulthood and I would be honored to be able to give back the guidance and direction to another person or persons within a community.


I'm not going to say that this is an easy topic, due to the fact that in different situations I can be a bit shy. I am very lucky to be blessed with many close friends and a strong family support. Actually though I am a good friend as well, I am very loyal, caring and as I have matured I am not overly opinionated or judgmental of others and their situations. I seem to be approachable and that reveals itself by the comfortability people have with me and share many positive and troublesome issues with me.
I am a lover of all types of animals!


Creative, Flexible, Organized, Outgoing, People person , Problem solver

Languages Spoken



Highest Level Attained

College Graduate

Eastern Connecticut State University
Social Work
East Catholic High School
High School Diploma
High School Education