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City of Las Vegas AmeriCorps Program

Contact Information

495 S. Main St.
Las Vegas, NV 89101

(702) 229-2069

Focus Areas

  • Economic Security
  • Education & Youth
  • Health & Nutrition

The mission of the city of Las Vegas AmeriCorps Program is to improve academic excellence for every child by creating a strong collective culture among students, families, and educators to ensure academic achievement and lifelong success for every child.

  • About Us
    The Department of Youth Development and Social Initiatives is focused on youth and education in the community. Partnerships and programs such as ReInvent Schools Las Vegas, Batteries Included/Batteries Included NextGen and Safekey, are improving educational achievement, attendance and graduation rates. We are also working to improve our community through social programs like the Mayor's Faith Initiative, Little Free Libraries, The Historic Westside Urban Farm, the Las Vegas My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and Workforce Development.
  • Our Impact
    The mission of Youth Development and Social Initiatives is to advance Las Vegas as a world-class city through engagement, collaboration, resource alignment, innovation and partnerships with residents, stakeholders, faith-based organizations, the private sector and philanthropists. The office will focus on youth, educational support, faith-based and multicultural community relations; and address social/urban challenges required to improve the vitality of Las Vegas.