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Let Your Journey Begin

Follow Julie Hawkins’ Service Year Journey to better understand what it really means to be a Corps Member!

  • March 2015
    Joined Service Year

    I knew I wanted to do something big after college – something that would allow me to apply my skills and interests to a good cause, but wouldn’t restrain me to a cubicle. My passion for helping others brought me to Service Year, and I’m excited to discover what opportunities await.

  • June 2015
    Created Corps Members Profile

    Name: Julie Hawkins

    Education Level: College Graduate

    Preferred Service Location: Philadelphia, PA

    Focus Area of Interest: Education & Youth

  • Aug 2015
    Matched with an Organization

    After exploring many great options for organizations, I knew that Soaring Eagle Elementary was a good match based on my passion for special education. I was able to narrow down my search results based on my skills and interests, and that made all the difference!

    Program Name: Soaring Eagle Elementary

    Mentoring Position Name: Youth Mentor

    Start Date September 2015

  • Sept 2015
    Started Service Year

    Traveling to a new city for my service year position meant exchanging the comforts of home for an exciting new experience. Keeping an open mind and hard work ethic during my first few weeks allowed me to truly embrace everything new that came my way, and I’m so glad I did!

  • Jan 2016
    Served and Gained New Skills

    I have learned so much from serving as a mentor! Each day is challenging and different, but it is extremely rewarding. Not a day goes by where I don’t feel like I’ve made a difference and helped at least one of my students overcome a challenge. I’m proud to be doing meaningful service! This experience has helped me build practical skills that go well beyond what I learned in the classroom, such as collaboration, patience, and flexibility.

  • Aug 2016
    Completed My Service Year

    Now that my year of service is complete, I’m ready to put my new skills towards my career! I’m very confident my Service Year experience will continue to serve me well!

  • Sept 2016
    Leading as a Service Year Alum

    My Service Year left me feeling empowered to inspire others in my community! I remain engaged by volunteering on the weekends and lead by mentoring incoming Soaring Eagle Elementary corps members!

Your journey awaits

Your Service Year experience doesn’t end when you become an alum. Corps Members have gone on to be successful in their chosen careers, leaders in their community, and an inspiration to others.

What are you waiting for?

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to give support?

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looking to host?

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